In just 2 weeks already Top 15 Podcasts in the UAE for Entrepreneurship, Top 50 in UK, Top 40 in KSA and all-time downloads in New Zealand and Ireland
Kelly Lundberg, one of the most diverse business entrepreneurs to have emerged out of the styling world in the Middle East to date has launched her new podcast, the Kelly Lundberg Podcast. The series of fireside talks uncovers storylines of success and profitability from women who trail-blaze and cause waves in their industry. Within just 2 weeks of launching, the Podcast has already reached the top 15 Podcasts in the UAE for Entrepreneurship, top 50 in the UK, top 40 in KSA with an all-time download in New Zealand and Ireland.
A natural outlier, Kelly took her first leap into the world of business and survived a global recession and at a time when people scaled back, she invested. Kelly has since pivoted her passion and continues to defy market predictions launching and selling businesses in between. She now uses her time-leveraged experience and business instinct mentoring the next generation of entrepreneurs to grow their personal brand and reach maximum financial return.
On the Kelly Lundberg podcast, listeners can shadow the journeys of paths less travelled with inspirational women who reveal the highs of building business profitability, life lessons and the way they survived inevitable lows. Through open and honest conversation, Kelly provides her listeners with not just a road map to entrepreneurship, she departs bite-sizeable tips and steps to building a personal brand.

Guests so far on The Kelly Lundberg Podcast include Maria Hatzistefanis AKA Mrs Rodial, International Love and Relationship Coach Dr. Lurve, Founder and CEO of TishTash Marketing and Public Relations Natasha Hatherall-Shawe, Business Mentor Niyc Pidge and Founder and CEO of L’Couture Lyndsey Doran.
The Kelly Lundberg Podcast can be downloaded on apple, Amazon and Spotify:
If you know someone with an inspirational and impactful story, please contact hello@kellylundbergofficial.com.
For more information visit https://kellylundbergofficial.com/ and keep up to date with her latest news at @KellyLundbergOfficial.